#025: The Singing Priest (with Fr. Ricky Manalo, CSP)

Fr. Ricky Manalo, CSP

Fr. Ricky Manalo, CSP

Pastoral musicians spend a great deal of effort trying to get people to sing. Our work is animated by the desire to assist the “full, active, and conscious participation” of every person in our assembly. We often select music that is familiar. We spend a great deal of time introducing new music with pedagogic strategies that are measured, reasonable, and pastoral. We put hymns in comfortable keys, we train instrumentalists to support congregational singing, and we form our cantors to be song leaders, not soloists. 

For the most part, I’m willing to be we do a pretty good job of promoting and facilitating the sung prayer of those gathered in the pews. But, there is another voice that may need a bit more coaxing and a more delicate pastoral approach. Whose voice is it? Your pastor. 

It can be difficult to get your pastor – or deacon, or bishop – to sing. Yet, singing is vital to our liturgy, especially for the role of the presider. The solutions can be tricky because the cause of the hesitancy – or refusal – on the part of your pastor can be varied and complex. To peel back these layers and to discuss some strategies, we turn to Fr. Ricky Manalo. We’ll hear one of Fr. Ricky’s compositions in today’s Ministry Moment. 



For more information about Fr. Ricky Manalo, CSP, and his other compositions, visit his composer page at OCP and his personal website

To listen to the Open Your Hymnal podcast episode featuring Fr. Ricky's song, "Many and Great," visit the Open Your Hymnal website. 

The recordings of "Transfiguration" was produced by OCP. "Eat This Bread" and "Give Us Peace" were produced by GIA Publications.

Visit NPM's digital resource library, referenced at the end of the episode. 

All content of this podcast is property of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

#024: Understanding Liturgical Assessment (with Mike Novak)

Mike Novak

Mike Novak

In last week’s episode, we explored the concept of operational development with Kathy Bartlett. In that conversation, we examined how we in pastoral ministry should apply a strategic, organizational lens to the way we view our work in order to be both efficient and effective. 

Today, we are continuing this thread of practical, strategic, and professional topics by discussing the concept of liturgical assessment. Now, before you hit the “skip” button or push “pause,” consider this question for a moment. How effective are your parish liturgies? If your response was negative, what high impact steps can your community take to address this ineffectiveness? If your response was positive, what objective evidence can you point to in order to back up your claim? 

Liturgical assessment is NOT about imposing or challenging musical or aesthetic taste, it is NOT about evaluating the personal worth of you or your volunteer ministers, and it certainly isn’t about the style wars. It is about giving good, accurate, real information about the experience of those who participate in your liturgies so that you know what your community does well and so that you know exactly what to do about those things your community doesn’t do so well. To help us understand the process, we’ll speak with assessment expert Mike Novak.



For more information about Mike Novak, visit his biography page at World Library Publications. 

You can download the three resources mentioned in the conversation using the links below. NOTE: These were created by Mike Novak and are his intellectual property. The files are included here for your reference and your professional use. Please ensure that you properly credit the source of these resources. 

Handout 1: Overview of the Parish Liturgy Assessment Process

Handout 2: Liturgy Assessment Tool

Handout 3: Sample Assessment Report

The recordings of "They'll Know We Are Christians" was produced by World Library Publications. "Give Us Peace" was produced by GIA Publications.

Visit NPM's digital resource library, referenced at the end of the episode. 

All content of this podcast is property of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.

#023: The Importance of Parish Organizational Development (with Kathy Bartlett)

Kathy Bartlett

Kathy Bartlett

If you examine professional development for pastoral ministers, you see a not-surprising array of topics and offerings. At conventions, parish and diocesan workshops, and even graduate programs, you’ll find classes in music, sacramental theology, scripture, liturgy, and spirituality. These are, of course, well and good. But what about the more practical, even mundane, topics necessary for successful ministry? What about operational planning? Or strategic planning? Or navigating interpersonal relationships? Or budgeting?

In today’s episode, we explore the concept of operational development and why these practical realities are of great importance for anyone who wants their ministry to be both efficient and effective. To do so, we’ll speak with organizational expert Kathy Bartlett, and we’ll hear tips for running an effective parish staff meeting in today’s Ministry Moment.



For more information about St. Matthew's Catholic Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, visit the parish website. You can read an article about the parish, the largest in the United States, from the May 1, 2017 issue of America Magazine.

If you haven't done so yet, go back and listen to our conversation with Leisa Anslingerin Episode #014. We discuss discovering and living your strengths, and other topics also addressed in this episode.

There were lots of organizations mentioned in our conversation! You can find more information by following the links below. 

You can read articles about leading effective parish staff meetings at the Christianity Today ("How to Run a Great Staff Meeting") and Ministry Best Practices ("How to Make Meetings Stink Less") websites. 

The recordings of "All Are Welcome (All Belong)" was produced by OCP. "Give Us Peace" was produced by GIA Publications.

Visit NPM's digital resource library, referenced at the end of the episode. 

All content of this podcast is property of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians or its content suppliers and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. For information about the podcast and its use, please contact us.