#034: Evangelization for Busy Catholics (with Amy Right, ft. Pope Paul VI)

Amy Righi

Amy Righi

We’ve already discussed the topic of Evangelization in previous episodes. I’m sure your bookshelf has at least a handful of resources related to the subject. I’m sure you’ve been to at least one meeting or workshop where evangelization was discussed. 

So, how are your efforts faring? 

Pope Francis is often quoted as saying that Christ knocks on our hearts to be let in, and on the doors of our churches to be let out. We often think of evangelizing as going out – and certainly, it is. But we also hope that the end result of our going out will be to have others come in – to join our community, to worship with us, to enter the fullness of the Church.

Today, we’ll hear about one parish’s initiative to increase their engagement with the families in their community. St. Isidore’s Catholic Church in Macomb, Michigan, began offering an evening Mass on Sunday’s. Billed as the “Mass for Busy Catholics,” it was an attempt to open the door just a little further and to give more opportunities for worship. Now, another weekend Mass might not be the answer for your community. However, I hope that you hear in this conversation the importance of being open, trying new things, and meeting families where they are. We’ll also hear from a soon-to-be Saint, Pope Paul VI, in this week’s Ministry Moment.



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For more information about Amy Righi, visit her bio page on the St. Isidore Catholic Church website. You can read the article about St. Isidore’s “Mass for Busy Catholics” from the Michigan Catholic newspaper.

You can read the full text of Evangelii Nuntiandi on the Vatican’s website.

You can purchase the music you heard in today’s episode: “The Summons” (arr. Bobby Fisher) and “Give us Peace” (Roberts).

Visit NPM's digital resource library, referenced at the end of the episode. 

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