#118: The Ministry of Community (with Damaris Thillet)


Before we start our interview of the day, allow me to bring some important information regarding NPM to you. Think of it as our “parish announcements”!

First off, we’re excited to announce “Shop, Sip and Sing”, an opportunity to connect directly with exhibitors for one night only on NPM’s Virtual Convention platform.

The NPM Convention is not over! We’re pleased to offer the opportunity to connect with us directly on our Virtual Convention platform! ANYONE who registered for the convention is invited to join us on August 31, 2020 for “Shop, Sip and Sing”. Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to interact with us and other exhibitors from the comfort of your own home. Grab your beverage of choice and plan to join us next week, on August 31, on the NPM Virtual Convention platform!


Didn’t attend the NPM Virtual Convention? Head over here to our Facebook page to sing with us on 8/31! We are hosting a live opportunity to sing along and explore the newest music available for your church, regardless of if you attended the Virtual Convention or not. Save the date and join us for “Shop, Sip and Sing” on August 31 from 5:30-10:30 pm ET/2:30-7:30 pm PT.


Events will take place on the Virtual Platform (npm2020.pathable.co) to registered convention participants. If you registered for a Full OR Limited Convention registration, you will have access to the Virtual Convention platform on August 31, 2020.


A full schedule of events by exhibitors will be released during the week of August 24.


Events will take place on the Virtual Convention platform from 5:30-9 pm ET/2:30-6 pm PT, and the live "Sing" portion of the event will be live streamed on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/NPMnational) from 9 pm-10:30 pm ET/6-7:30 pm PT.


And lastly, I want to remind you of the new program we’re working on here at Ministry Monday.


We’re starting a new series on the podcast to feature you- yes you! NPM Spotlight is a new series for Ministry Monday that allows you to nominate yourself or others to be featured on the podcast. Are you or somebody you know ministering in a unique way? Maybe it’s a limitation due to budgetary constraints, or creative ways to engage a parish in light of the current pandemic. Or maybe you recently merged parishes and your ensemble director is engaging music ministers from both parishes in a very unique way. Or maybe you’ve heard of a local church that is live streaming their liturgies in a way that’s just inspiring!

Whatever it is, we want to hear from you. NPM Spotlight will feature pastoral musicians across our country- and our world. Email us to nominate a fellow pastoral musician to be interviewed. Our email address is ministrymonday@npm.org


Today on the podcast I speak to Damaris Thillet. Damaris is the Director for the Office of Worship for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Damaris is also a published composer with Oregon Catholic Press and World Library Publications, co-creating collections of liturgical music in Spanish as well as two Spanish Mass settings.


Today Damaris and I talk about the pastoral needs she tends to in her Diocese, both before and during this time of special ministerial circumstances due to COVID-19. She helps us all consider the needs of those we cannot reach with technology. How do they feel included in a parish community when our access to one another is limited?


Bio- Damaris Thillet

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A native of Puerto Rico, Damaris Thillet studied at Temple University in Philadelphia. She frequently collaborated with her late husband, Diego Correa, in music ministry. As a team, they served the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, for many years. Serving as the northeast regional representative for the Instituto Nacional Hispano de Liturgia, Damaris is also one of the founders and current president of the East Coast Hispanic Pastoral Musicians Association. During the 2016 United States visit by Pope Francis, she was invited to lead the Spanish choir at a Mass to close the World Meeting of Families.

Damaris and Diego have two collections of liturgical music in Spanish, Eso Me Basta, Señor and Del Pesebre a la Cruz, their OCP debut, as well as two Spanish Mass settings: Misa Puertorriqueña and Misa San Juan Bautista. Inspired by the scriptures and marked by evangelical zeal, their songs feature the unique musical styles and rhythms of Puerto Rico. Damaris’s compositions can also be found in ¡Vive Tu Fe!El Señor Nos Invita Volume 3 and Flor y Canto. After the passing of her husband, Damaris completed her most recent collection Todo Lo Podemos en Dios, with songs that bring consolation and hope in times of grief, loss or mourning.


Damaris has also released works with World Library Publications. She is the Director for the Office of Worship in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.