#148: A Holy Week Reflection by Mary Birmingham

It’s Monday of Holy Week. And we know that for most of our listeners, this means that we have a long week ahead of us.

For many of us, our music is (mostly) prepared at this point, all of the liturgy committee meetings are done, and Victimae Paschali Laudes is practiced and ready. And yet, there are still things to do.

 Where are we, ourselves, on our own to-do lists? Have we devoted enough time to prepare, spiritually, for our Triduum journey this week?

 I asked Mary Birmingham to share some thoughts about how we, as pastoral ministers, can slow down at the beginning of this holiest of weeks and meditate on the journey ahead.

REMINDER: Ministry Monday will take a 1-week hiatus to rest after Holy Week and Easter Sunday. We’ll be back on the 12th of April!


BIO: Mary Birmingham

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Mary Birmingham, (MA Liturgy/Theology, St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN) is the former director of music, liturgy and Christian Initiation at Ascension Catholic Church in Melbourne, FL. Mary is a former presenter for the North American Forum on the Catechumenate and travels extensively throughout the United States and Canada presenting workshops for dioceses as well as the Catechist School, a two day seminar that teaches skills for the implementation of the RCIA  that she developed with her colleague Nick Wagner of TEAMRCIA. 


Mary is the author of numerous widely used resources for the RCIA:

Formed in Faith,

Confirming Adult Catholics, for Confirmation,

La Confirmation De Los Catalicos Adultos

Purified and Enlightened  (World Library Publications),

Year Round Catechumenate  (Liturgical Training Publications)

Word and Worship Workbooks for Year A, Year B, and Year C, (Paulist Press),

Faith, Life and Creed (online resource: breaking open the word for the three cycles of the year and forty one doctrinal topics) (TEAMRCIA.COM)

Know And Live Your Catholic Faith (web resource published by World Library Pub.)


Mary brings her passion for the liturgy and the Rite of Christian Initiation and its power to transform hearts to this work of evangelization hoping it will assist catechists in their remarkable conversion centered ministries.

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