#150: Media Ministry (with Matthew Sewell) (Part 1 of 3)

Today on the podcast we begin a 3-part series on “media ministry” and the technology that is at our fingertips. If you’ve attended an NPM national convention, you’ve possibly heard me present on technology. I’ve said before that “technology” is such a broad, general term that encompasses so many things. It’s almost like saying that this episode is about “healthy eating”, or “classical music.” How can you define, and encapsulate, all that the topic includes, and in such a short amount of time?

Furthermore, the term “media ministry” is a term used for the ways that technology can extend ministry and outreach to a church’s followers and faithful. This term may or may not be new to you, but I think it is a great topic to explore. The next 3 episodes of Ministry Monday will try and introduce us to various avenues in the topic, but, like the term “technology” itself, I can’t expect to encapsulate all things media ministry. But I think it’s a good place to start.

 My first conversation comes after a conversation I had with a friend and associate in Texas. She works in campus ministry, and raved about how much Flocknote has been helping her stay connected to the students in which she ministers. I myself use Flocknote in my local parish, but I also know that it’s a company that some parishes do not currently use. I reached out to Flocknote to see if they’d be willing to explore the ins and outs of the software, and thankfully, they were willing.

And so I sat down and spoke with Matthew Sewell. Matthew is the Diocesan sales lead at Flocknote and has worked there for almost 7 years. He shared some of the growth that Flocknote has experienced since the global pandemic of COVID-19, and how Flocknote can help us stay connected to our faithful parishioners – and non-parishioners – especially at a time like today.


For more information about Flocknote, visit their website at Flocknote.com. Here are some additional videos from the Flocknote team about what the service is, and how it can work for you:

VIDEO: What is Flocknote? - Smarter Church Texting & Church Email Newsletters

VIDEO: Flocknote Demo/Intro

Need to speak to someone directly at Flocknote? Contact the support team by clicking here.

To listen into Flocknote’s podcast, the Finding Uno show, tune in on iTunes, YouTube, and Spotify.

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