#187: Best of Ministry Monday 2021: A Historical Intervention on the Basis of Chant (Part 1)

Today’s episode of Ministry Monday is sponsored by the 2022 Winter Colloquium, taking place February 14-16 in Nashville, Tennessee. NPM Presents Open Hearts and Minds: Intercultural Mystagogia for Pastoral Leaders, a 3-day event focusing on looking through the lens of interculturalism. How can we best celebrate our differences to create unity in diversity through the experience of community of prayer?

Learn more about the Winter Colloquium at npm.org.

You voted and we listened! The most listened-to and voted-for episode was "A Historical Intervention on the Basis of Chant" with Fr. John Glasenapp. Brother John’s viewpoint on chant in the Church is deeply rooted in a full historical context, which is what we’re to discuss today. Why can chant be challenging to today’s pastoral musicians? What are the roots from which chant was created? What are the roots of chant in the Catholic Church? How did we get here?

Brother John joins me from the Archabbey in Saint Meinrad, Indiana.


BIO: Brother John Glasenapp

Br. John Glasenapp OSB is a Benedictine monk of Saint Meinrad Archabbey in southern Indiana, where he currently serves as the Director of the newly-formed Saint Meinrad Institute for Sacred Music. Br. John earned an M.A. in Medieval Studies from Fordham University and a PhD in Historical Musicology from Columbia University, specializing in chant. His doctoral research was supported through grants from the Alliance-Council for European Studies and the U.S. Fulbright program to Belgium. His article on chant in late-medieval monastic reform will appear shortly in a volume entitled Gendered Perspectives on Monastic Reform in the Medieval West, c. 800 – 1500 published by Boydell and Brewer.

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